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Sunday, August 26, 2007
Photo Sharing and Video Hosting at Photobucket

Photo Sharing and Video Hosting at Photobucket

Today is the birthday of the owner of this blog and my friend, Gemma. I almost forgotten her birthday but here it is, my greetings to y0u on your very special natal day.

May you have more birthdays to come.


posted by Gemma at 10:57 PM | 9 comments
Friday, August 24, 2007

When I was a little girl, my mom liked to make breakfast food for dinner every now and then. And I remember one night in particular when she had made breakfast after a long, hard day at work.On that evening so long ago, my mom placed a plate of eggs, sausage, and extremely burned toast in front of my dad.

I remember waiting to see if anyone noticed! Yet all my dad did was reach for his toast, smile at my mom, and ask me how my day was at school.I don't remember what I told him that night, but I do remember watching him smear butter and jelly on that toast and eat every bite!

When I got up from the table that evening, I remember hearing my mom apologize to my dad for burning the toast. And I'll never forget what he said: "Baby, I love burned toast."Later that night, I went to kiss Daddy good night and I asked him if he really liked his toast burned. He wrapped me in his arms and said, "Debbie, your momma put in a hard day at work today and she's real tired.

And besides a little burnt toast never hurt anyone!"In bed that night, I thought about that scene at dinner...and the kindness my daddy showed my mom. To this day, it's a cherished memory from my childhood that I'll never forget. And it's one that came to mind just recently when Jack and I sat down to eat dinner.I had arrived home late...as usual...and decided we would have breakfast food for dinner.

Some things never change, I suppose!To my amazement, I found the ingredients I needed, and quickly began to cook eggs, turkey sausage, and buttered toast. Thinking I had things under control, I glanced through the mail for the day. It was only a few minutes later that I remembered that I had forgotten to take the toast out of the oven!

Now, had it been any other day -- and had we had more than two pieces of bread in the entire house -- I would have started all over. But it had been one of those days and I had just used up the last two pieces of bread. So burnt toast it was! As I set the plate down in front of Jack, I waited for a comment about the toast. But all I got was a "Thank you!" I watched as he ate bite by bite, all the time waiting for some comment about the toast.

But instead, all Jack said was, "Babe, this is great. Thanks for cooking tonight. I know you had a hard day."As I took a bite of my charred toast that night, I thought about my mom and dad...how burnt toast hadn't been a deal-breaker for them. And I quietly thanked God for giving me a marriage where burnt toast wasn't a deal-breaker either!You know, life is full of imperfect things...and imperfect people. I'm not the best housekeeper or cook.

And you might be surprised to find out that Jack isn't the perfect husband! He likes to play his music too loud, he will always find a way to avoid yard work, and he watches far too many sports.

Believe it or not, watching " Golf Academy " is not my idea of a great night at home!But somehow in the past 37 years Jack and I have learned to accept the imperfections in each other. Over time, we have stopped trying to make each other in our own mold and have learned to celebrate our differences.

You might say that we've learned to love each other for who we really are!For example, I like to take my time, I'm a perfectionist, and I'm even-tempered. I tend to work too much and sleep too little. Jack, on the other hand, is disciplined, studious, an early riser, and is a marketer's dream consumer. I count pennies and Jack could care less!

Where he is strong, I am weak, and vice versa.And while you might say that Jack and I are opposites, we're also very much alike. I can look at him and tell you what he's thinking. I can predict his actions before he finalizes his plans. On the other hand, he knows whether I'm troubled or not the moment I enter a room. We share the same goals. We love the same things. And we are still best friends.

We've traveled through many valleys and enjoyed many mountaintops. And yet, at the same time, Jack and I must work every minute of every day to make this thing called "marriage" work!What I've learned over the years is that learning to accept each other's faults - and choosing to celebrate each other's differences - is the one of the most important keys to creating a healthy, growing, and lasting marriage relationship.

And that's my prayer for you today. That you will learn to take the good, the bad, and the ugly parts of your married life and lay them at the feet of GOD.

Because in the end, He's the only One who will be able to give you a marriage where burnt toast isn't a deal-breaker!Have a great day! May God bless your marriage
posted by Gemma at 12:32 AM | 2 comments
Monday, June 11, 2007
1. You feel insulted when a non-Bisdak ridicules someone by saying "Bisaya", but it's okay if another Bisdak uses it to another Bisdak, as in "ah, Bisayaa sab oy!"

2. You feel proud when Matud Nila is sung and you sing along with it bisan dili nimo memorize.

3. Hibal-an nimo kung unsa ang "habal-habal" bisan wala pa ka kasakay niani.

4. Common usages kung ga-tinagalog: the use of "kuwan" as interjection, ang superlative nga pirmi gamiton mao ang "masyado", i.e., maingay masyado, sobra masyado, bilisan mo masyado (read: paspasi lagi) adunay tendency nga pulihan lang ang "o" or "a" og "i", i.e., ang atop into atip, ang kan-on into kan-in, ang sud-an into sud-in ug ang utan into utin)

5. You know what "itlog mo 'noy orange" means.

6. You know that the karaang "bayle" aron mahimong modern gipulihan na og "disco" (discoral).

7. Aduna kay hibaw-an nga at least usa ka kanta ni Yoyoy Villame or Max Surban bisan sa tono lang.

8. You can use varied terms of endearment for friends and relatives like bay, parts, paparts, migo, parekoy, pareng, choy, higala, kid, gaw, gaweks, manoy, nong, inse, ditse, iyo, iya, palangga, pangga, gang.

9. You call someone "Inday" and/or "Dodong" as a term of affection and hate it when other non-Bisdaks use the term as if its a title given for a househelp.

10. You know what "maninghag" is?

11. You know Vino Kulafu and Fighter Wine...sometimes you even know their jingles!

12. Instead of Stork, you chose Snowbear or you buy Timbura when you mean Corniks.

13. You're familiar with the brand Loalde in clothing.

14. You crave for inun-unan, paklay, ginamay, halang-halang, kinilaw, ginamos, buwad, binignit,, sikwate paresan sa puto maya.

15. Esteban Escudero and Golyat are folk heroes.

16. "Handumanan sa Usa Ka Awit" is closer to your heart than "Maalaala Mo Kaya" TV show.

17. At ...pag-nagulat-nabigla ang mga Bisdak ang biglang sigaw ay "ay bilat" o kaya "ay otin sa kabayo"

18. SUTUKIL is as common as TAPSILOG; in fact you know that SUTUKIL came first.

19. Your common pulutan for tuba drinking is "TARGET" - asin nga targeton lang nimo sa imong tudlo.

20. You have at least once in your lifetime experienced "Ang Mysterio sa Paglawig sa Barko Padulong Manila", a phenomenon that when the boat is approaching Manila, everybody around you suddenly becomes Tagalog speaking nga adtong miaging adlaw lang pwerting Bisaya pa ninyo!

21. You whisper Bisaya to a fellow Bisdak in the midst of a Tagalog crowd ...and he replies loudly to you in Tagalog!

22. The first question you ask when you found out that someone is Bisdak, "taga-asa man diay ka?"

23. You usually use the warning phrase " Hala Ka"!

24. You know the meaning and proper usages of the following (irreverent) words/phrases: pesteng yawa, usapa na, pastilan, lat-inanag, butalo, way kurat, hastang, puslan man, buing, kuwangol, libod-suroy, ligas-paka, way kuha, ka-ubo, kolera, burikat, duha singko, balang, palag, wa ka kyapi?, ok pas olrayt, haybol, ang pahak!, jer-jer, way blema, pagarpar, giro, kalandrakas, ambot sa langaw pilay idad sa ok-ok, bugnawg simod, bagdok, gi-atay!, gi-ahak, gibangkong, tibak (tiguwang bakla), NPA (nawong puros agtang), tira pasagad, basin diay pilay pad sa ungoy, banat kay awaaw, mat-an pas pinya, ngitngit pas alkitran, tak-om pas tuway, malalim mo na!, sus!

25. Sigurado ko nga naa pa kay ikadugang ani: miembro ka sa GKK no? "gagmayng ki-at ki-at", LKK (Looy Kaayo Ka), bayntchenge (.25), sewewen (.50), wesiwesi (P1), eskina lang noy, pamokong, bahala na'g ligsan basta in-shirt, ug ering-ering DUHA!

Be proud that you are a BISDAK!!!
posted by Gemma at 10:27 AM | 5 comments
Sunday, April 29, 2007
Once upon a time in the kingdom of Heaven , God was missing for six days. Eventually, Michael the Archangel found him, resting on the seventh day.

He inquired of God, "Where have you been?" God sighed a deep sigh of satisfaction and proudly pointed downwards through the clouds, "Look, Michael. Look what I've made." Archangel Michael looked puzzled and said, "What is it?" "It's a planet," replied God, "and I've put Life on it. I'm going to call it Earth and it's going to be a great place of balance." "Balance?" inquired Michael, still confused.

God explained, Europe will be a place of great opportunity and wealth, but cold and harsh while pointing to different parts of earth. "For example, Northern southern Europe is going to be poor but sunny and pleasant." "I have made some lands abundant in water and other lands parched deserts." "This one will be extremely hot, while this one will be very cold and covered in ice."

The Archangel , impressed by God's work, then pointed to a group of Islands and said, "What are those?" "Ah," said God. "That's the Philippines , the most glorious place on earth. There are beautiful beaches, rivers, mountains and forests. The people from the Philippines are going to be handsome, modest,intelligent and humorous and they are going to be found traveling the world.

They will be extremely sociable, hardworking and high achieving and they will be known throughout the world as carriers of peace and love." Michael gasped in wonder and admiration but then proclaimed, "What about balance, God? You said there would be balance." God replied wisely, "Wait until you see the idiots that were elected as their leaders."
posted by Gemma at 9:19 PM | 1 comments
Tuesday, April 17, 2007
You know you’re BISDAK when……..

1. You feel insulted when a non-Bisdak ridicules someone by saying “bisaya”, but it’s okay if another Bisdak uses it to another Bisdak, as in “ah, bisaya-a pud oy!”.

2. You feel proud when Matud Nila is sung and you sing along with it bisan dili nimo memorize.

3. Hibal-an nimo kung unsa ang “habal-habal” bisan wala pa ka kasakay niani ug siyempre pa ang “sikad”.

4. Common usages kung ga-tinagalog: the use of “kuwan” as interjection ang superlative nga pirmi gamiton mao ang “masyado”, i.e., maingay masyado, sobra masyado, bilisan mo masyado (read: paspasi lagi) adunay tendency nga pulihan lang ang “o” or “a” og “i”, i.e., ang atop into atip, ang kan-on into kan-in, ang sud-an into sud-in ug ang utan into…

5. You know what “itlog mo ‘noy orange” means.

6. You know that the karaang “bayle” aron mamahimong modern gipulihan na og “disco” - discoral.
7. Aduna kay hibaw-an nga at least usa ka kanta ni Yoyoy Villame or Max Surban bisan sa tono lang.

8. You can use varied terms of endearment for friends and relatives ? Like bay, parts, paparts, migo, kabs (kababayan), parekoy, pareng, choy, higala, kid, gaw, gaweks, manoy, nong, inse, ditse, iyo, iya, palangga, pangga, gang.

9. You call someone “Inday” and/or “Dodong” as a term of affection and hate it when other non-bisdak use the term as if its a title given for a househelp.

10. You know what “maning-hag” is?

11. You know Vino Kulafu and Fighter Wine… sometimes you even know its jingle!

12. Instead of Stork, you chose Snowbear menthol candy or you buy Timbura when you mean Corniks.

13. You’re familiar with the brand Loalde in clothing.

14. You crave for inun-unan, paklay, halang-halang, law-oy, kinilaw, ginamos, bulad, binignit (tabirak), sikwate paresan sa puto maya.

15. Esteban Escudero and Golyat are folk heroes.

16. Handumanan sa Usa ka Awit is closer to your heart than Maalaala Mo Kaya on TV.

17. You know what HITACHI means (Himantayon, Tabian, Chismosa).

18. SUTUKIL is as common as TAPSI, in fact you know that SUTUKIL came first.

19. Your common pulutan for Tuba drinking is “TARGET” - as in nga targeton lang nimo sa imong tudlo.

20. You have at least once in your lifetime experienced “Ang Mysterio sa Paglawig sa Barko Padulong Manila“, a phenomenon that when the boat is approaching Manila, everybody around you suddenly becomes Tagalog speaking. Nga adtong miaging adlaw lang pwerting bisaya pa ninyo!

21. You whisper bisaya to a fellow bisdak in the midst of a tagalog crowd…and he replies loudly to you in tagalog!

22. The first question you ask when you found out that someone is bisdak, “taga-asa man diay ka?”

23. You usually use the warning phrase ‘Hala Ka’!

24. You know the meaning and proper usages of the following (irreverent) words/phrases: pesteng yawa, usapa na, pastilan, latina__ , butalo, way kurat, hastang, PUSLAN MAN, kuwangol, libod-suroy, ligas-paka, way kuha, ka-ubo,kolera, sampila(koy) , burik_t, barbaki, mangga ka sir?, duha singko, balang, palag?, wa ka kyapi?, ok pas olrayt, haybol, ang pahak!, jer-jer, way blema, tulibagbag, pagarpar, giro, pamalalat, kalandrakas, ambot sa langaw pilay idad sa ok-ok, bugnawg simod, buak ang pula, bagdok, gi-atay, gi-ahak, tibak (tiguwang bakla), NPA (nawong puros agtang), mamaklad, agua de pataranta, tira pasagad, basin diay pilay pad’s sa ungoy, banat kay awaaw, mat-an pas pinya, ngitngit pas alkitran, tak-om pas tuway, ug uban pa…. gibangkulya, gi-atay, pastilan, sus!
posted by Gemma at 11:45 PM | 44 comments